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Rachal DM, Monger CH, Okin GS, Peters DC.  2012.  Landform influences on the resistance of grasslands to shrub encroachment, Northern Chihuahuan Desert, USA. Journal of Maps. :1-7,iFirstArticle.
Sala O.E, Gherardi LA, Peters DC.  2012.  Effects of interannual precipitation variability on ecosystem water balance and its consequences for aboveground net primary production. 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting. OOS 12-6
Sala O.E, Gherardi LA, Reichmann L, Jobbágy E, Peters DC.  2012.  Legacies of precipitation fluctuations on primary production: theory and data synthesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 367:3135-3144.
Sayre N.F, deBuys W, Bestelmeyer BT, Havstad K.  2012.  The 'range problem' after a century of rangeland science: New research themes for altered landscapes. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65:545-552.
Six J., Herrick JE.  2012.  Sustainable soils: Introduction. Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services. :299-300.
Smallidge S.T., Goodloe S., Baker TT, Wood M.K, Estell RE.  2012.  Manipulating sandpaper oak for livestock and wildlife forage. Cooperative Extension Circular .
Smith JG, Eldridge D.J., Throop HL.  2012.  Landform and vegetation patch type moderate the effects of grazing-induced disturbance on carbon and nitrogen pools in a semi-arid woodland. Plant and Soil. 360:405-419.
Steele C, Bestelmeyer BT, Burkett LM, Smith P, Yanoff S.  2012.  Spatially explicit representation of state-and-transition models. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65:213-222.
Sylvain ZA, Wall D.H., Cherwin K, Peters DC, Sala O.E, Reichmann L.  2012.  Patterns of soil community structure differ by scale and ecosystem type along a large-scale precipitation gradient. 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting. COS 128-8
Throop HL, Reichmann L, Sala O.E, Archer SR.  2012.  Response of dominant grass and shrub species to water manipulation: An ecophysiological basis for shrub invasion in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Oecologia. 169(2):373-383.
Throop HL, Archer SR, Monger CH, Waltman S..  2012.  When bulk density methods matter: implications for estimating soil organic carbon pools in coarse soils. Journal of Arid Environments. 77:66-71.
Utsumi S.A, Cibils AF, Estell RE.  2012.  Terpene profile of one-seed juniper saplings explains differential herbivory by small ruminants. 17th Wildland Shrub Symposium. p. 30
Vivoni E.  2012.  Spatial patterns, processes and predictions in ecohydrology: integrating technologies to meet the challenge. Ecohydrology. 5(3):235-241.
Wall D.H., Bardgett R, Behan-Pelletier V.M, Herrick JE, Jones H, Ritz K, Six J., Strong D, Van der Putten W.H..  2012.  Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services. :424.
Webb N, Chappell A., Butler H, Strong C, McTainish G, Leys J.  2012.  Implications of carbon dust emission for terrestrail carbon cycling and carbon accounting. American Geophysical Union. A33D-0184
Webb N, Chappell A., Strong C, Marx SK, McTainish G.  2012.  The significance of carbon-enriched dust for global carbon accounting. Global Change Biology. 18:3275-3278.
Weems SL, Monger CH.  2012.  Banded vegetation-dune development during the Medieval Warm Period and 20th century, Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico, USA. Ecosphere. 3(3):art21.
Whitford WG, Ginzburg O., Berg N, Steinberger Y.  2012.  Do long-lived ants affect soil microbial communities? Biology and Fertility of Soils. 48:227-233.
Whitford WG, Steinberger Y.  2012.  Effects of seasonal grazing, drought, fire, and carbon enrichment on soil icroarthropods in a desert grassland. Journal of Arid Environments. 83:10-14.
Williamson JC, Bestelmeyer BT, Peters DC.  2012.  Spatiotemporal patterns of production can be used to detect state change across an arid landscape. Ecosystems. 15:34-47.
Williamson JC, Bestelmeyer BT.  2012.  Towards broad-scale perspectives on landscape dynamics: The National Ecological Dynamics Database. Society for Range Management, 65th Annual Meeting.
Yao J, Peters DC.  2012.  Seasonal distribution of net primary production by functional groups in Chihuahuan Desert, and the role of seasonal precipitation. 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting. PS 50-117.
Yao J, Peters DC.  2012.  Seasonal distribution of net primary production in Chihuahuan Desert shrublands and grasslands in response to precipitation from 1990-2010. Wildland Shrub Symposium Proceedings. p. 42.
Anderson D.M., Murray L.W.  2013.  Sheep Laterality. Laterality. 18(2):179-193.
Anderson D.M., Estell RE, Cibils AF.  2013.  Spatiotemporal cattle data – a plea for protocol standardization. Positioning. 4:114-136.
Anderson D.M..  2013.   Virtual Fencing-A Corrective or Substantive Paradigm. 4TH AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND SPATIALLY ENABLED LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM .
Bagchi S, Briske D.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Ben Wu X..  2013.  Assessing resilience and state-transition models with historical records of cheatgrass Bromus tectorum invasion in North American sagebrush-steppe. Journal of Applied Ecology. 50:1131-1141.
Bestelmeyer BT, Havstad K, Svejcar L.N., Duni D, Okin GS, Peters DC.  2013.  Critical thresholds and recovery of Chihuahuan Desert grasslands: Insights from long-term data. 98th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America.
Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR, Densambuu B, Havstad K, Herrick JE, H. Peinetti R.  2013.  State-and-transition models as guides for adaptive management: What are the needs? Los Pastizales y el Hombre. :27-33.
Bestelmeyer BT, Duni D, James D.K, Burkett LM, Havstad K.  2013.  A test of critical thresholds and their indicators in a desertification-prone ecosystem: more resilience than we thought. Ecology Letters. 16:339-345.
Briske D.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR, Fuhlendorf S., H. Polley W.  2013.  The Savory Method can not green deserts or reverse climate change. Rangelands. 35(5):72-74.
Browning DM, Steele C.  2013.  Vegetation index differencing for broad-scale assessment of productivity under prolonged drought and sequential high rainfall conditions. Remote Sensing. 5(5):327-341.
Chalcraft DR.  2013.  Changes in ecological stability across realistic biodiversity gradients depend on spatial scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 22:19-28.
Chappell A., Webb N, Butler H, Strong C, McTainish G, Lleys J, Rossel RAViscarr.  2013.  The role of carbon dust emission as a global source of atmospheric CO2. Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate, Food Security and Ecosystem Services International Conference.
Chappell A., Webb N, Butler H, Strong C, McTainish G, Leys J, Rossel RAViscarr.  2013.  Soil organic carbon dust emission: an omitted global source of atmospheric CO2. Global Change Biology. 19:3238-3244.
Chepsongol RM, Burkett DW.  2013.  Crotalus Viridis (Prairie Rattlesnake). Herpetological Review. 44(3):520-521.
Cibils AF, Estell RE, Holechek JL, Anderson D.M..  2013.  Sustainable livestock production on rangelands: Emerging trends in the USA. Los Pastizales y el Hombre. :37-43.
Cibils AF, Estell RE, Holechek JL, Anderson D.M..  2013.  Sustainable rangeland-based livestock production: A perspective on USA and global emerging trends. XXIII Reunion Internacional Sobre Produccion de Carne y Leche en Climas Calidos. :79-85.
Cleland EE, Collins S.L., Dickson TL, Farrer EC, Gross K.L., Gherardi LA, Hallett LM, Hobbs RJ, Hsu JS, Turnbull L et al..  2013.  Sensitivity of grassland plant community composition to spatial vs. temporal variation in precipitation. Ecology. 94(8):1687-1696.
Cosentino B, Schooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT, Coffman JM.  2013.  Response of lizard community structure to desert grassland restoration mediated by a keystone rodent. Biodiversity and Conservation Journal. 22:921-935.
Dohn J, Dembélé F, Karembé M, Moustakas A, Amévor KA, Hanan N.  2013.  Tree effects on grass growth in savannas: competition, facilitation and the stress-gradient hypothesis. Journal of Ecology. 101:202-209.
Driscoll CT, Groffman PM, Blair JM, Lugo AE, Laney C., Peters DC.  2013.  Cross-site comparisons of precipitation and surface water chemistry. Long-Term Trends in Ecological Systems: A Basis for Understanding Responses to Global Change. :46-50.
Duni D, Herrick JE.  2013.  Assessing impacts of roads: Application of a standard assessment protocol. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66:364-375.
Estell RE, Utsumi S.A, Cibils AF, Anderson D.M..  2013.  Relationship between one-seed juniper terpene concentration and herbivory by small ruminants. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. 91:553.
Estell RE, James D.K, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M..  2013.  Within-plant distribution of volatile compounds on the leaf surface of Flourensia cernua. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 48:144-150.
Garcia-Pichel F, Loza V, Marusenko Y, Mateo P, Potrafka RM.  2013.  Temperature drives the continental-scale distribution of key microbes in topsoil communities. Science. 340:1574-1577.
Gillan JK, Strand EK, Karl JW, Reese KP, Laninga T.  2013.  Using Spatial Statistics and Point-Pattern Simulations to Assess the Spatial Dependency Between Greater Sage-Grouse and Anthropogenic Features. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 37(2):301-310.
Han G., Liu T, Wang Z, Li Z, Zhao M, Havstad K, Wu J, Kemp D.  2013.  Adaptive management of grazing lands. Dryland East Asia, Land Dynamics Amid Social and Climate Change. :447-464.
Hao G-Y, Lucero M.E., Sanderson SC, Zacharias E, N. Holbrook M.  2013.  Polyploidy enhances the occupation of heterogeneous environments through hydraulic related trade-offs in Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae). New Phytologist. 197:970-978.
Havstad K, Brown JR.  2013.  Management and policy implications of cross-and within-site, long-term studies. Long-Term Trends in Ecological Systems: A Basis for Understanding Responses to Global Change. :206-215.
