Exploring a Desert Experiences of an Ecologist/Naturalist in a New Mexico Desert

TitleExploring a Desert Experiences of an Ecologist/Naturalist in a New Mexico Desert
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsWhitford WG
Number of Pages189
Keywordsants, climate, creosotebush, ecology, ephemeral aquatic systems, geomorphology, ground dwelling arthropods, insects on plants, landscapes, mammals, mesquite, northern Chihuahuan Desert, reptiles, soil fauna., termites, vegetation

The book focuses on the ecology of the northern Chihuahuan Desert with chapters on geomorphology, landscapes, climate, vegetation,(special chapters on Creosotebush and Mesquite) mammals, reptiles, ephemeral aquatic systems, ants, termites, insects on plants, ground dwelling arthropods, and soil fauna. Descriptions of studies and field experiments are provided to show how the information was obtained.
