Electric fence effective on range

TitleElectric fence effective on range
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1939
AuthorsAres F.N.
JournalThe Hereford Journal
Date PublishedJanuary 1, 1939
Keywordscontrolling livestock, electric fences, Jornada Experimental Range, range
AbstractPreliminary results in the range use of one-wire electric fences on the Jornada Experimental Range of the Southwestern Forest and Range Experiment Station indicate that such fences have possibilities as a cheap and effective means of controlling livestock on the range. In August 1938, 3.5 miles of one-wire fence was constructed around one of the large tobosa flats on the Jornada for the purpose of holding cattle on the tobosa summer feed and, at the same time, protecting the surrounding grama grass from heavy use during the growing season. Following the heavy rains in July, the tobosa grass was green and succulent and, when the fence was built, the soil was very damp. However, before the electrical unit ordered arrived, the soil had dried out thoroughly and the first results on this dry soil were disappointing. About 140 yearling heifers were placed inside the enclosure and, at first, they passed back and forth under the wire freely. After about 3 days, a light shower fell wetting the ground to a depth of about on-half inch and, following this there was no more passing back and forth under or even approaching the charged wire.