Ecological impacts of plant invasion in rangeland ecosystems

TitleEcological impacts of plant invasion in rangeland ecosystems
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsHuenneke L.
Conference NameProceedings of the alien plant invasions: Increasing deterioration of rangeland ecosystem health symposium
Number of Volumespp
Pagination10-14 pp.
Date PublishedJanuary 17, 1995
Conference LocationHeld in conjunction with the annual meeting for The Society of Range Management on January 17, 1995
Call Number00660
Keywordsabstract, abstracts, conference, conference proceedings, conferences, plant invasion, plant, non-native, proceeding, proceedings, rangeland management, rangeland, ecosystem
Abstract Invasive non-native species, both plants and animals, have become major management problems in North America (OTA 1993). Alien (non-native) plants can have harmful impacts in natural and semi-natural ecosystems as well as in agricultural settings; these "environmental weeds" are the result of both deliberate importations (e.g., for forage crops or as ornamentals) and accident. These importations continue, and the number of problematic species is increasing all the time. The arrival of new species has the potential to alter ecological relationships and processes, with undesirable impacts on management and conservation concerns. The objective of this paper is to review the ecological impacts of invasive non-native plants in natural systems, with a focus on semi-arid rangelands. I will outline measures of ecosystem health in rangelands, and discuss how they can be influenced by invasive plants. I will also present some guidelines for action, based on what we know of the ecology of these invading weeds.