The contribution of shrub pruning by jackrabbits to litter input in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem

TitleThe contribution of shrub pruning by jackrabbits to litter input in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsSteinberger Y, Whitford WG
JournalJournal of Arid Environments
Date Published1983
Accession NumberJRN00010
Call Number00321
Keywordsarticle, articles, journal, journals, Lagomorpha, Lepus, Larrea,rabbit pruning, litter,shrub pruning, rabbit,shrub pruning, shrub, litter input, shrub, rabbit pruning

Jackrabbits, Lepus californicus, prune stems from creostoesbushes Larrea tridentata during the dry winter months, eating the previous season new woody stems allowing the leaves and old wood to fall the the ground. This unconsumed material was 66 kg/ha/year of stem and 35 kg/ha/year of leaves; approximately one-fifth of the quantity of shrub litter input by natural infall. Jackrabbits preferentially pruned stems of shrubs with higher tissue moisture content. Rabbits tend to prune stems from the same shrubs in successive years.
