Contribution of ant activity to spatial variability in hydrologic properties in the Chihuahuan Desert

TitleContribution of ant activity to spatial variability in hydrologic properties in the Chihuahuan Desert
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsHerrick JE, Whitford WG
Conference NameAmerican Society of Agronomy Meeting
Date PublishedOctober 29-Novem
Keywordsant activity, Chihuahuan Desert, hydrologic properties, macropores, spatial variability
AbstractThe activity of soil fauna is frequently cited as a factor contributing to the spatial variability of arid rangeland soils in the southwestern United States. However, few studies have correlated differences in soil physical properties with the activity of specific soil organisms. In order to quantify the contribution of ant activity to spatial variability in surface macroporosity, infiltration rates under ponding and under tension at the center and margins of harvester ant (Pogonomyrmexrugosus) nests were compared with rates in adjacent, nonvegetated control sites. Both saturated hydraulic conductivity and the difference between saturated and unsaturated conductivity were highest at the nest centers. These results illustrate the role of ants in the creation of macropores capable of conducting water under conditions of overland flow. The results will be discussed with respect to patterns and densities of ant nests in the Chihuahaun Desert.