Aspects of desertification in <i>Prosopis</i> dunelands of southern New Mexico, USA

TitleAspects of desertification in Prosopis dunelands of southern New Mexico, USA
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsWright RAnderson
JournalJournal of Arid Environments
Date Published1982
Call Number00418
Keywordsarticle, articles, brush control,herbicide, climate,also SEE <DESERTIFICATION>, community, Prosopis, desertification,Prosopis dunelands, herbicide, brush control, journal, journals, model, desertification, model, water budget, Prosopis duneland,desertification
AbstractMesquite shrubs in long-established plots registered increases in numbers and cover for most observation periods, in spite of drought, herbicide treatment and protection from grazing. The few decreases noted seem to be accounted for by drought and herbicide. Changes in the biotic and physical environment are incorporated into a model that shows their respective roles in effecting the conversion from grass- to shrub-dominated ecosystems.