Are deserts more variable than lakes?

TitleAre deserts more variable than lakes?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsMagnuson J.J, Kratz T.K, Cunningham GL
JournalLTER Network News
Date PublishedSpring 1989
Accession NumberJRN00090
Call Number00205
Keywordsarticle, articles, ecosystem, variability, journal, journals
AbstractAn intersite activity is in full swing to explore new metrics for comparing similarities and differences in the temporal and spatial variability of diverse ecosystems. Variability is common to all ecological systems and is a feature which is thought to be important by ecologists.... Here we provide some preliminary results comparing the variability of two ecosystem types: a southwestern U.S. desert (the Jornada Desert LTER Site in New Mexico) and northern temperate lakes ( the North Temperate Lakes LTER Site in Wisconsin).